Forecasts and Schedules

Implemented into the eELib is a possibility to calculate a forecast and schedule for devices, EMSs, and the grid. For this, a forecast model is given to calculate requested forecasts. Additionally, the calculation of schedules can be implemented in each (control) model.

Scheme of an exemplary use of the forecasts within the eELib

Integration into scenario

Forecasts and schedules can be integrated into simulations like the examples/test_scenario_***.py files examplarily show. In there, one has to declare the forecast simulator to mosaik via the SIM_CONFIG. Additionally, one has to set the parameter USE_FORECAST in the scenario configuration to true.

simulator configuration [ 01/24]
43# Sim config.: Simulators and their used model types with the properties to store into DB
45   # used database, will be left out for model creation and connections
46   "DBSim": {"python": ""},
47   # forecast, will be left out for model creation and connections
48   "ForecastSim": {
49      "python": "eelib.core.control.forecast.forecast_simulator:Sim",
50      "models": {"Forecast": []},
51   },
scenario configuration [ 01/24]
93# Configuration of scenario: time and granularity
94START = "2020-01-01 00:00:00"
95END = "2020-01-04 00:00:00"
96STEP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS = 900  # 1=sec-steps, 3600=hour-steps, 900=15min-steps, 600=10min-steps

After this, the forecast simulator and model will be created and the connections to the models will be instantiated.

Forecast Model

The forecast model and its simulator are implemented in the folder eelib/core/control/forecast. The implemented behaviour is quite simple and straight-forward, as all model entities of the simulation are stored within the forecast entity (as deep-copies) via the add_forecasted_entity() method. This allows to create forecasts by simply iterating over all requested forecasts for all entities, stepping the model for the requested timesteps and collecting the values (of the model entity) for the requested time steps. After that, the forecast model simply returns those calculated forecasts.

forecast calculation [ 01/24]
64# check if request for a forecast was sent
65if self.forecast_request == {}:
66   self.forecast = {}  # no forecast requested, simply return
68   # clear earlier forecasts
69   self.forecast = {}
71   # go by all entities to create a forecast for
72   for forecast_getter_id, forecast_req_eid_dict in self.forecast_request.items():
73      # create empty dict for forecasts connected to this request entity
74      self.forecast[forecast_getter_id] = {}
75      # check if no forecast requested
76      if forecast_req_eid_dict == {}:
77         continue
79      # go by all forecasted model entities
80      for forecast_eid, forecast_info in forecast_req_eid_dict.items():
81         # check if forecast can be done for this model type
82         if forecast_eid in self.forecast_eid.keys():
83            # create structure for forecast of each attribute for this entity
84            forecast_save = {}
85            for attr in forecast_info["attr"]:
86               forecast_save[attr] = []
88            # store the copy of this model entity to execute the stepping
89            entity = self.forecast_eid[forecast_eid]
91            # run the model for each time step and collect the calculated attr values
92            for t in forecast_info["t"]:
93               entity.step(t)
94               for attr in forecast_info["attr"]:
95                  forecast_save[attr].append(getattr(entity, attr))

Integration into (Control) Models

For the forecast model to take effect, the forecasts have to be requested by other models, e.g. the energy management system. Additionally, the calculated forecasts should afterwards be used for strategic behaviour (in operating strategies).

First of all, the mosaik needs to create a connection between the model and the forecast model. This is done in the connect_to_forecast() function of the simulation helpers. Here, there is a connection added from EMS to the forecast model for the forecast_request attribute, while a forecast attribute is send back the other way around. All other models are simply added to the forecast entity such that forecasts can be calculated.

forecast connection function [ 01/24]
470def connect_to_forecast(
471   world: object,
472   dict_entities: dict,
473   dict_simulators: dict,
474   forecast: object,
475   forecast_sim: object,
477   """Create connections for the forecasts to work.
478   Includes mosaik connections to ems model and adding of the model entities to the forecasts list.
480   Args:
481      world (object): mosaik world object to orchestrate the simulation process
482      dict_entities (dict): dict of all used model entity objects
483      dict_simulators (dict): dict of all used simulators with their ModelFactory-objects
484      forecast (object): forecast model entity
485      forecast_sim (object): simulator for the forecast model
486   """
488   # create connections for each entity of each model type
489   for model_name, ent_list in dict_entities.items():
490      for entity in ent_list:
491         # for ems create connections to forecast entity
492         if "ems" in model_name or "EMS" in model_name:
493            world.connect(entity, forecast, "forecast_request")
494            world.connect(
495               forecast,
496               entity,
497               "forecast",
498               weak=True,
499               initial_data={"forecast": {forecast.full_id: {}}},
500            )
501         # for other models (devices) add those entities to the forecast entity list
502         else:
503            forecast_sim.add_forecasted_entity(
504               forecast.eid,
505               {entity.full_id: dict_simulators[model_name].get_entity_by_id(entity.eid)},
506            )

Additionally, forecasts have to be requested by the ems, which should be done only in the corresponding time steps.

forecast request by EMS [ 01/24]
340# request forecasts if needed
341if self.use_forecast and self.calc_forecast:
342   self.forecast_request = {}
343   for model_type, entity_list in self.controlled_eid_by_type.items():
344      if model_type in self.forecasted_attrs.keys():
345         # add forecast request for every entity of this model type
346         for e_full_id in entity_list.keys():
347            self.forecast_request[e_full_id] = {
348               "attr": self.forecasted_attrs[model_type],
349               "t": range(self.forecast_start, self.forecast_end),
350            }

Due to the connection by mosaik, the forecasts are calculated and afterwards send back, such that they should be processed. It is now also possible to calculate schedules with set values for the devices that no forecast can be directly extracted from (charging station, heatpump, battery).

forecast request by EMS [ 01/24]
353if self.forecast != {} and self.calc_forecast is True:
354   # calculate the residual load schedule including all not controllable devices
355   schedule_residual_uncontrollable = schedule_help.residual_calc_schedule_uncontrollable(...)
357   # calc schedules for charging station
358   schedule_help.cs_calc_schedule_uncontrolled(...)
360   # calc schedules for heatpump
361   th_residual_forecast = schedule_help.thermal_calc_forecast_residual(...)
362   schedule_help.hp_calc_schedule(...)
364   # get schedule from battery storage based on residual load schedule
365   schedule_help.bss_calc_schedule(...)