Git Workflow

This wiki page will give detailed instruction on how to work with the commands in Git, especially via Visual Studio Code (VSC)! It will not provide a full overview of how the git process works but informs about the necessary commands.

1. Create Personal Access Token

  1. In Gitlab, via ‘Edit profile’, you go to ‘Access Tokens’ and create a Token.

    • The name is irrelevant and the expiration date can be set to a year.

    • You can select all scopes.

  2. The Token has to be saved somewhere, because you have to give it in order to establish a connection from your local repository to the online repository.

2. Cloning

The next thing that has to be done is cloning the online Git repository onto your local computer.

  1. You can do this via Visual Studio Code by typing in gitcl in the command line and following the processes.

    • Use either the URL or SSH-key from the repository.

    • When asked for username and password you have to give your GitLab username and the Personal Access Token.

    • This process can also be done via GitBash, when going to the target folder and typing in git clone <REPO-URL>.

  2. It is recommended to end this process by saving the Personal Access Token in this Git project by running git remote set-url origin https://oauth2:[PersonalAccessToken]@<GIT-REPO> via GitBash, then your Git program will not ask for the Token every time.

  3. You should also set your username and mail adress for when using Git by running git config --global "Your Name" resp. git config --global "".

3. Visual Studio Code

  • Visual Studio Code allows easy version management via Git.

  • You should use the window “Source Control” (left side) to always see the current changes you did on the code.

  • When using the Extension Git Graph , you can also have an overview of all the changes that have been done in the repository (possibly by others too!).

4. Change the Branch

  • Before any adaption to the code, you should always check your currently selected branch.

  • The default is always the main branch, in which you should not change anything!

  • Changing the selected branch can be done by the Command “Source Control -> Branches -> Switch to Another Branch” and then selecting that specific branch. Or you can use the command check-out to in order to switch to another branch.


You can only change the selected branch, when you currently have no changes in the files.

5. Saving Changes (Commit)

The next thing is saving changes, that were coded locally - this is done by ‘committing’ the code, which is still a local process but kind of saves the stage at the moment.

  1. You have to “stage” the relevant code files by pressing the “plus” (+) sign.

  2. Then type in a fitting commit message (What have you done? Short!).

  3. Last thing is to hit the commit button (“check” sign).

6. Getting Changes from Online Repository (Pull)

When others made relevant code changes, which you might need, you can get their changes from the online repository by “pulling” them.

  1. For that you must’t have everything committed - so do that first.

  2. To pull the current state of the branch from the online repository, simply click on the 3 points and select “Pull”.

  3. In case any merge conflicts occur, see step 8. Merge Changes

7. Sending Changes to Online Repository (Push)

  • When having implemented relevant code changes, which other programmers/users might need, AFTER VALIDATING THEM you can (and should regularly) push your saved commits.

  • This should only be done after pulling the online repository first.

  • Also, all current changes have to be staged.

  • To push, simply click on the 3 points and select “Push”.

8. Merge Changes

  • Merging Changes is generally needed, when two programmers changed parts of the same code and Git does not know, which “solutions” it should select.

  • This process should be done carefully, as nobody wants to discard changes, that have been done by others.

  • Merging can be needed in two cases: when you merge another branch into your own local branch, or when you pull the online repository status into your local state.

  • In the process, click on the files with “Merge Conflicts”, go through the problems and try to find a solution that approriately takes both solutions into account.

  • If you have concerns, ask for help!

  • Merges with merge conflicts always have to be committed after the conflicts have been solved, and the file is saved and staged.

9. Create a New Branch for each Topic

The work flow is supposed to include the creation of a new branch for each problem. So in case you want to create a new model, you create a branch named model/[model_name] and work on this problem only in this branch. Or if you want to fix something existing, create a branch named bugfix/[problem_name] etc.

This is a way to structurize the current work and additions to the joint use of the library in the main branch.

10. Merge Your Changes into the main Branch

When you

  1. completed a task in a specific branch (don’t use the main branch for that!)

  2. and tested your stuff,

you can make this accessible for others via the main branch.

For that you should …

  1. … merge the current state of the main branch into your (feature) branch.

  2. … push your changes into the remote branch.

  3. … go to the GitLab Repository and create a merge request for your branch into main. There you should also assign a developer to shortly check your updates and may even assign a reviewer.

The merge will then be completed and afterwards your changes are also part of the main branch.